Monday, October 13, 2008

The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare

I just love this quote. My mother-in-law helped me to find it. It was given this last conference by Sister Dalton.
"I truly believe that one virtuous young woman or young man, led by the Spirit, can change the world, but in order to do so, we must return to virtue. We must engage in strict training. As the marathon runner Juma Ikanga said after winning the New York Marathon, “The will to win is nothing without the will to prepare.”12 Now is the time to prepare by exercising more self-discipline. Now is the time to become “more fit for the kingdom.”13 Now is the time to set our course and focus on the finish. A return to virtue must begin individually in our hearts and in our homes.

I hope we can all take this counsel into our lives and prepare ourselves and our homes for the battles that are raging ahead of us. If we are not prepared, how can we expect to be saved?

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